ASHRAE Building Energy Audit Standards
The American Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air-Conditioning Engineers (ASHRAE) is the international standard for building energy audit standards. ASHRAE defines three levels of audits. Each audit level builds on the previous level. As audit complexity increases, so does thoroughness of the site assessment, the amount of data collected and the detail provided in the final audit report.
Level I, Site Assessment or Preliminary Audits: Level I ASHRAE audits identify no-cost and low-cost energy energy efficiency measures (EEMs), and a general view of potential capital improvements. Activities include an assessment of energy bills and a brief site inspection of an existing (operational) building.
Curriculum Guide: ASHRAE Level I
Level II, Energy Survey and Engineering Analysis Audits: Level II ASHRAE audits include ASHREA Level I EEMs and
an in-depth analysis of energy costs, energy usage and building characteristics and a more refined survey of how energy is used in an existing (operational) building. Curriculum Guide: ASHRAE Level II
Level III, Detailed Analysis of Capital-Intensive Modification Audits: Level III ASHRAE audits (sometimes referred to as an “investment grade” audit) provide solid recommendations and financial analysis for major capital investments. Level III audits include monitoring, data collection and engineering analysis.
Curriculum Guide: ASHRAE Level III
Please review "A Guide to Energy Audits," by the Pacific Northwest Laboratories, prior to advancing to the Curriculum Guide for ASHRAE Audits (Levels I, II. and III), below, before proceeding to the Curriculum Guide:
A Guide to Energy Audits |
Overview: This report was prepared by Michael Baechler of the Pacific Northwest National Laboratory (managed by the Battelle Memorial Institute), and Cindy Strecker, PE, and Jennifer Shafer of the Portland Energy Conservation, Inc., for U.S. Department of Energy under Contract DE-AC05-76RL01830. The views and opinions of authors expressed herein do not necessarily state or reflect those of the United States Government or any agency thereof. The Guide is providing solely as a reference tool for the energy audit industry, energy consumers, and the general public. STEP 1: Please download A Guide to Energy Audits prior to advancing to the Curriculum Guide for ASHRAE Audits (Levels I, II. and III), above. Be prepared to discuss the similarities or differences contained in the Guide with ASHRAE Audits Levels I, II. and III audit methodologies as we proceed through the course. |